A Union-Find data structure also called Disjoint set data structure is to maintain a set of elements partitioned into a number of mutually disjoint(non-overlapping) subsets. So, no elements belong to more than one set.
In Union-Find data structure, each subset represent a backwards tree with pointer from a node to its parent and nodes in the tree are elements of this subset [1].
- The Union-Find data structure that efficiently support two operations
- Find: Given a node u, to find root node of u.
- Union: Given two nodes u and v, to merge them together if they’re disjoint. Otherwise, return False, which means they’re connected already.
- Check whether two elements are in the same set by find function in O(log(n)*)≃ O(1), amortized time complexity.
- connected component in Graph problem
- detecting cycles in graph.
- minimum spanning tree
Implementation with an example:
There’re a couple ways to implement Union-Find with corresponding different time complexity[2]:
- union-by-size, O(log(n))
- union-by-height, O(log(n))
- union-by-rank with path compression, O(log(n)*)≃ O(1) [4].
- It’s relatively rare to be used in Leetcode problems and sometimes it could be replaced with DFS solution. However, it can solve problem more efficiently.
- How to implement [3]? Please see my code in below leetcode problems.
- In order to use union-find data structure to solve problem, we need to convert each node to index ranging from 0 to n-1(totally, n nodes in the graph)
The below problems related to Union-Find in leetcode:
- 200. Number of Islands
- 305. Number of Islands II
- 721. Accounts Merge
[4]. inverse Ackerman’s function, Chapter 2, The algorithm design manual, 2nd edition