Leetcode-Union-Find Data Sturcture

Yunrui Li
2 min readJun 2, 2020


A Union-Find data structure also called Disjoint set data structure is to maintain a set of elements partitioned into a number of mutually disjoint(non-overlapping) subsets. So, no elements belong to more than one set.


In Union-Find data structure, each subset represent a backwards tree with pointer from a node to its parent and nodes in the tree are elements of this subset [1].


  • The Union-Find data structure that efficiently support two operations
  1. Find: Given a node u, to find root node of u.
  2. Union: Given two nodes u and v, to merge them together if they’re disjoint. Otherwise, return False, which means they’re connected already.
  • Check whether two elements are in the same set by find function in O(log(n)*)≃ O(1), amortized time complexity.
Time Complexity copied from[5]
Example of Union method copied from[5]


  • connected component in Graph problem
  • detecting cycles in graph.
  • minimum spanning tree

Implementation with an example:

There’re a couple ways to implement Union-Find with corresponding different time complexity[2]:

  1. union-by-size, O(log(n))
  2. union-by-height, O(log(n))
  3. union-by-rank with path compression, O(log(n)*)≃ O(1) [4].


  • It’s relatively rare to be used in Leetcode problems and sometimes it could be replaced with DFS solution. However, it can solve problem more efficiently.
  • How to implement [3]? Please see my code in below leetcode problems.
  • In order to use union-find data structure to solve problem, we need to convert each node to index ranging from 0 to n-1(totally, n nodes in the graph)

The below problems related to Union-Find in leetcode:

  • 200. Number of Islands
  • 305. Number of Islands II
  • 721. Accounts Merge





[4]. inverse Ackerman’s function, Chapter 2, The algorithm design manual, 2nd edition





Yunrui Li
Yunrui Li

Written by Yunrui Li

I’m Taiwanese expat. I’v worked in Singapore as data scientist after graduation from Taiwan and currently I work in Amsterdam as machine learning engineer.

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