Leetcode-Combination Series

Yunrui Li
2 min readOct 6, 2021

Usually, when it comes to combination problems, the most naive way to solve the problem is generate all possible solutions. And, we use depth-first-search(DFS) or called backtracking technique.

For backtracking, when we do time and space complexity analysis, they follow a certain pattern:

T: O(n**m), n raise to power of m, where n represents at most we have n branches can search for current state and m is maximum depth of recursion tree.

Note: O(n**m) will be upper bound of time complexity. For some cases, if we generate all possible combinations or partitions , given an integer or a string, running time will be O(2**n), lower than upper bound.

S:O(m), where m is maximum depth of recursion tree. (if we don’t consider space of storing answer)

  • 39. Combination Sum
  • 131. Palindrome Partitioning
  • 291. Word Pattern II

Using recursion + cache for time complexity analysis typically follows the pattern:

  1. Maximum Number of States in Cache:Identify the maximum number of states your cache can hold. In the example of Word Break, which is a 1D DP problem, it can have up to n states.
  2. Number of Paths for Each Node in Decision Tree: Determine the number of paths for each node in the decision tree. In Word Break, it’s m paths.
  3. Operation at Each Node: the operation performed at each node. In 139. Word Break, the operation is string matching, which takes O(k) operations.

Taking 139. Word Break as an example:

  • Maximum number of states in cache (n).
  • Each node in the decision tree has m paths.
  • Each node performs a string matching operation, taking O(k) operations.

Therefore, the total time complexity is O(n * m * k).

In other problems, if the exploration paths are constant, and each node operation is O(1), the time complexity can be simplified to O(n).



Yunrui Li

I’m Taiwanese expat. I’v worked in Singapore as data scientist after graduation from Taiwan and currently I work in Amsterdam as machine learning engineer.